Tinctures of System
As you will see, Tinctures Zero, which was added after I had ended this, my final series, is the full introduction. But let the following sentence be the full heuristic introduction to what I call, in the final and sixth Tincture, my Cresting, {M (W3)θΦT}4, of my Case. The task of moving forward into a global heuristic isomorphic with all sociological analyses and their referents is a massive but relatively non-stressful set of geohistorical and collaborative glocal tasks of an effective futurology.
(Please note that in some of the essays there are hyperlinks to essays hosted on an earlier version of this website. All of those essays are now available on this website and can be easily found using the search bar.)
Tinctures of System 0: Sociology, Situation Rooms, Topologies: Economics and Religion
Tinctures of System 1: Tête-à-Tête
Tinctures of System 2: The Obviousness of Intentionality Analysis
Tinctures of System 3: Identifying Effectively Intentionality Analysis
Tinctures of System 4: Nudges Towards Thinking Out Tower Topology
Tinctures of System 5: Third Objectifications: A Fourth Coming Fifth Column
Tinctures of System 6: {M(W3)θΦT}4 Converging the Fifth Column: I Crest My Case