A series of thirty-nine essays, twenty-seven written by McShane, twelve written by colleagues and students. The series runs parallel to the sixteen online seminars scheduled for 2011–2015. The first 8 seminars deal with the eight functional specialties (hence the capital F and S in the title), but attending only to the general categories; the second set is to focus on the special categories. The series could well be put in the context of chapter one of McShane’s book, Method in Theology: Revisions and Implementations.
(Please note that in some of the essays there are hyperlinks to works hosted on an earlier version of this website. All of those essays are now available on this website and can be easily found using the search bar.)
FuSe 0: A Simple Appeal for Functional Collaboration
FuSe 1: The Functionally-Specialized Study of Lonergan
FuSe 2: Pedagogical Struggling with the Second Canon of Hermeneutics
FuSe 3: Functional Research into Lonergan’s Collected Works
FuSe 4: What is Functional Research?: The Struggle so Far
FuSe 5: A Contexting of First Attempts at Functional Research
FuSe 6: Working Towards a Standard Model
FuSe 7: The End of Lonerganism: Fuse or Refuse
FuSe 8: Galactic Functional Research
FuSe 9: What is Functional Research
FuSe 10: Contexts of Functional Interpretation
FuSe 11: Lonerganism’s Crippling Difficulties with Interpretation
FuSe 12: Interpretation’s Future and the End of Lonerganism
FuSe 13: Contexts of Functional History
FuSe 14-A: One Hundred and One Damnations
FuSe 14-B: Some Notes on the Development of Method, Page 250
FuSe 14-C: An Attempt at Communicating History Functionally
FuSe 14-D: Reading for a New Political Economy in Light of Functional History
FuSe 14-E: Calculus Pedagogy in 2011: suffering vascularized off-skin views of minding (An essay toward functional history)
FuSe 15: The Future of Functional History
FuSe 16: Contexts of Functional Dialectic
FuSe 17-A: Risking Positioning, Praxipositioning
FuSe 17-AA: A Question: ‘How Might I Position Myself?’
FuSe 17-AA 1: A First Anonymous Position
FuSe 17-AA-2: A Second Anonymous Positioner
FuSe 17-B: Frank Braio: A Positioning
FuSe 17-D: Risking Positioning
FuSe 17-G: Mi Postura
FuSe 17-H: Dialectics: Establishing a Position
FuSe 17-M: Collaboration
FuSe 17-McS: How Might We Collaborate in 2012?
FuSe 17-Q: Positioning: ‘A Crucial Experiment’
FuSe 18: Ways to get into Functional Collaboration
FuSe 19: Contexts of Functional Foundations
FuSe 20-A: A Foundational Focus of Seminars 5-8
FuSe 20-Z: Regarding Foundational Issues
FuSe 21: The Future of Foundations: The Issues
FuSe 22: The 2012 Crisis of Speaking to the Future
FuSe 31: Contexts of Functional Christian Research